Regular Diploma: Students who have fulfilled the requirements for graduation set by the State of Tennessee and the Williamson County Board of Education as outlined above receive a regular diploma.
A variety of honors and distinctions may be awarded to graduating students meeting state or locally specified criteria.
Graduating with Honors or Distinction
Students who are accepted for dual enrollment or early admission to a college or university may have college courses considered for meeting 14 credit requirements if the course taken at the university level is offered at the Honors or Advanced Placement level in Williamson County Schools. For example, English 101 or English 102 would meet one credit requirement replacing AP English IV, but college algebra would not count since Advanced Algebra and Trig is not offered at the honors or Advanced Placement level in Williamson County Schools.
Special Education Diploma: A special education diploma may be awarded at the end of their fourth year of high school to students with disabilities who have (1) not met the requirements for a high school diploma, (2) have satisfactorily completed an individualized education program, and (3) have satisfactory records of attendance and conduct. Students who obtain the special education diploma may continue to work towards the high school diploma through the end of the school year in which they turn twenty-two years old.
Graduation Requirements:
- BP 4.605, 4.6051 – Coming Fall 2018
- BP 4.60511 – Coming Fall 2018
Note: A student may participate in college level courses conducted during the school day, provided that the student’s schedule can be arranged to make this option possible. A student may also enroll in a college course after school hours. Dual credit will be available to the student with parents accepting full responsibility for all costs associated with college credit.