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Library & Technology Resources

The mission of Independence High School’s Library Media Center is to support the learning process by providing a wide range of resources that will give each student an opportunity to achieve academic success.  We assist students, teachers and staff in becoming effective users of information, foster a love of reading and partner with teachers to teach information literacy skills.  Our Library Media Center houses a variety of resources including fiction and nonfiction books, e-books, audio books, professional books, online databases, and reference materials available for students and staff.



  • Library hours are: Monday – Friday 7:15 AM – 3:00 PM
  • Students may check out fiction, non-fiction, and audio books for a two-week period.
  • Students may check out equipment (digital cameras or digital video cameras) overnight with a signed Permission for Off-Site Equipment Use Parent Agreement.
  • A late charge for overdue items will be charged at the rate of $.10 per school day with a maximum fee of $5.00.
  • If an item is lost or badly damaged, the replacement cost of the item will be charged. The person who checks out the item will be responsible for paying for loss or damaged items.
  • If an item is paid for, but found and returned within the school year, the replacement cost will be refunded.
  • Once the school year has ended, no refunds will be issued for items checked out prior to the last day of the school year.
  • Library fines should be paid in a timely manner.


  • For Chrome Carts, Lab, and Main Library reservations, teachers should contact Ms. Sweeney or Mrs. Quinn.
  • Students may sign-up, with a stamped agenda, to visit the library during their study hall.  Students should stop by the library before school or during class changes to receive a stamp.
  • Upon entering the library, students will sign-in using our Library Sign-in Google form. Students visiting the library with their class do not have to sign-in/out.
  • During study hall, computers/laptops are available on a first come first served basis, with scheduled classes receiving first priority. Students must have a stamped agenda or a 15-minute pass from the teacher to be in the library.
  • We ask that students help keep the library neat and clean by refraining from bringing food or drink to the library.


Parent Resources


Christy Sweeney
Library Media Specialist

Dominique Viaene-Rager
Library Media Specialist